What is eyebrow shaping and coloring with paint or henna?

What is eyebrow shaping and coloring with paint or henna?


During the procedure for shaping and colouring the eyebrows with henna or cosmetic paint, in contrast to the permanent makeup of the eyebrows, nothing is introduced under the skin's surface. The procedure is cosmetic in nature. Eyebrows, to a greater extent, are shaped, that is, they are given a shape corresponding to the type of face, eyebrow hairs are dyed in a colour suitable for this client, the skin under the hairs is also dyed, which gives the effect of a shadow. The procedure is quite temporary, depending on the density of your eyebrows, the effect can be present for up to four weeks, but if the eyebrows are not at all thick, thin, like threads, then the effect will last about a week. The procedure for shaping and colouring the eyebrows can be used by the client to get an initial understanding of how a more permanent application may look, and to build relationship trust with the technician, in order to determine the future colour of the eyebrows, saturation and their shape.

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